The ECEC arranges the toddler classroom in a manner that allow the children to explore and discover. The toddlers are placed in small primary groups with one degreed and credentialed teacher for every six toddlers and a total group size of 12 children per classroom. We provide toddlers with many open ended activities allowing to experience concepts and materials and how they relate to one another. This aids in making routines and transitions smooth. Dressing, feeding themselves, napping and toilet training are the focus in this classroom with additional time spent exploring other topics
During the toddler stage, children become more independent learning how to negotiate satisfying his or her personal needs with the other children in the classroom. Negotiating materials and space with peers becomes a primary task.
The classroom environment is fundamental to contributing to the toddler’s experiences and supports their learning while in the program. We strive to make the classrooms a welcoming place for both the children and family with “homelike” touches. The rooms and playground allow the children to freely and safely explore and experience their environment. Age-appropriate materials are placed at their level for easy access.
The classroom is divided into strategically-located interest areas so learning experiences do not interfere or interrupt one another. For instance, noisy activities (blocks, dramatic play) are separate from quiet activities (book reading, writing and art).
Teachers rotate materials often while increasing the level of difficulty in order to challenge children mentally and physically. The toddler classroom is also rich in language with teachers spending much of their time role modeling language for the children, resulting in them more able to communicate their needs.
Using an interactive process with the children our teachers document and plan, to provide an engaging curriculum based on the children's interests incorporating the Desired Results and the California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations and Frameworks. This interactive process encourages our teachers to individualize and make the learning experiences more relevant by framing learning in the children’s interests. This learning and development is shown in our documentation (panels and digital) and in the curriculum planning thinking for future opportunities of exploration.